How to smarter with your money when you change jobs

Ben Nash

Starting a new role can often lead to more income. But I’ve found that very few people take advantage of the financial opportunities a new role brings. 

One of the biggest things people get wrong when they change jobs boils down to a concept we call ‘Lifestyle Creep’. 

It’s never been easier to spend money and it’s really common for people’s incomes to increase over time but have not much more extra to show for it. 

In this video I cover a simple hack to help your savings increase alongside your income.

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To take this to the next level, I’ve put together a free, four part training series on how you can make better money decisions when you change jobs. 

Across a few videos, the training will help you:

  • Make the most of your income
  • Save more and invest it wisely
  • Avoid many of the mistakes people make when they change jobs

If you’d like to be sent the other four videos in this series, you can register for his free training through this link.

Or if you want a bit more of a taste of the content for the series, you can check out this video on How to maximise your employee benefits.

Free Training: Get money smart when changing jobs (blog)

Do you want to be smart with your money but don’t really know where to start? Are you overwhelmed with all the options and information? Or are you just super time poor and don’t want to waste your precious spare without getting results? I created this three part video series to help you understand the key issues you need to be across to maximise all the opportunities available when you change jobs. 


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