Client story: How Sam turned around overspending to save $33k in 12 months

Ben Nash

Spending money is way more fun than saving it, but once your habits are built it’s hard to change things. Then, before you know it you can end up in a place where you’re earning a solid income but don’t have much to show for it. 

The big risk with this is that for every year that passes, you’re missing the opportunity to save and invest money that will grow and compound for you into the future every year forever, which means you’re creating an opportunity cost that you can never make up. 

We recently helped a client nail her overspending and get things on track, and within 12 months she’d turned things around to create a $33k upside within less than a year. This turnaround made her feel remarkable about her money again and set up the building blocks for the financial progress she wanted for the years ahead. 

Hear Sam’s story here.

To your success,


PS: Helping people with this stuff is our jam, so to chat about how to get these sorts of results, you can book an intro chat with us here.

PPS: If you want to get the deep dive on the tactics we used with these clients, as well as the other hacks you can use to level up your money game check out my new book, Replace Your Salary by Investing on Booktopia | Amazon