How Ellie & Evan unlocked equity to create upside of $50k p.a.

Ben Nash

When you’ve got a busy job, a young family, and aren’t super interested in money, it’s easy for life to get in between you and your money success.

The months and years roll on, and if you’re living well, your money and investing don’t seem that urgent. 

This is exactly what happened with Ellie and Evan. They felt like there probably was more they could do, but they were also doing pretty ‘ok’ financially so it wasn’t front of mind. 

When Ellie and Evan took the time to unpack what was possible with what they already had, they realised they were leaving over $50k on the table every year – and this had been on their radar for four years – meaning over $200k in opportunity cost. 

The good news is that once we got things on track, Ellie and Evan were headed for a good place, where they’d be able to do all of the things that were important to them. 

But they were kicking themselves for not getting it done sooner. 

Hear Ellie and Evan’s story here.

To your success,


PS: Helping people with this stuff is our jam, so to chat about how to get these sorts of results, you can book an intro chat with us here.

PPS: If you want to get the deep dive on the tactics we used with these clients, as well as the other hacks you can use to level up your money game check out my new book, Replace Your Salary by Investing on Booktopia | Amazon