Do you earn good money but struggle to save at the rate you feel like you should? Do you have big goals but frustrated by slow savings progress and feel like you’re never going to actually get ahead? Do you want to spend less time juggling money from one account to another and spend more time enjoying your money?
You’re not alone.
Saving money is super important. It’s also hard, and spending money is way more fun (and easy). In this event we cover savings hacks to make it easier to save, easier to manage your money, and accelerate how quickly you get ahead. If you’ve ever done a budget before and it hasn’t worked as well as you hoped, this is the workshop for you.
I cover:
- Savings principles and hacks to make your life easier
- How to set up a budget that will actually work
- How to automate your savings strategy
- Your next steps and how to get started
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