Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there, hope that the ongoing lockdown life didn’t get in the way of breakfast in bed and a solid celebration of paternal love.
Also big shout out to the 400+ peeps that turned out for the personal investing 1010 event last week and helped carry the show with some epic Q&A chat.
Giving update of the week
At the start of the month, we set out with what I thought was an ambitious goal of making 60,000 positive impacts in the world through our business giving partnership with B1G1. I’m stoked to say that with your support we totally crushed that number and have been able to provide a MASSIVE 1,364,000 days of access to clean, life-saving water for families in the developing world.
Thank you so much to everyone who got behind our 1-1 Money Breakthrough sessions to make this come together. I feel incredibly privileged that we’re able to help people do better with money and have a positive impact on our planet at the same time. This is part of our ongoing commitment to make a difference in the lives of our clients and simultaneously make an impact on our world through our partnership with B1G1 (Buy 1 Give 1). You can check out more information about our giving here.
In market news, after Jerome Powell took the stage on Friday, both the Australian and New Zealand dollar rose by 1% against the USD. And in crypto news, Visa bought a CryptoPunk signalling a mainstream adoption of NFT’s.
Upcoming events and links to book here:
Make More Money: Personal Investing 101 – Thursday 2nd September 11:30 am – 12:30 pm AEST
Finding the right investment for you – Thursday 16th September 11:30 am – 12:30 pm AEST
WTF is financial advice? – Thursday 16th September 01:00 pm – 02:00 pm AEST
How a trust can cut your tax bill by $100k+ – Thursday 7th October 11:30 am – 12:30 pm AEST
How to be smarter with money – Thursday 14th October 11:30 am – 12:30 pm AEST

The ASX finished up this week and we’re still in the midst of earnings season. Bitcoin was back up and hit a $70k high this week signalling a turnaround. Meme stocks are still proving to be this strange force with Gamestop rallying another big week, hitting US$215 a stock on Tuesday.
Key sharemarket numbers:
The ASX ‘All Ords’ (top 500 shares in Australia) finished the week 0.8% higher than last Friday, on 7,826.70 points.
The US ‘S&P 500’ (Top 500 shares in America) finished the week 1.4% higher than last week (Friday AEDT), at 4,536.95 points.
- The US ‘Nasdaq’ (Top 2500+ mainly tech shares in America) finished the week 2.41% higher than last week (Friday AEDT), on 15,331.18 points.
- The Global FTSE ‘All World’ index (largest 3100 companies in the world) finished the week 0.26% higher than last week (Friday AEDT), at 7,163.90%
- The S&P Cryptocurrency ‘Mega Cap’ Index (tracking market value of Bitcoin and Ethereum) is currently at 6.34% for the month, up 5,498.52 from last week
Investment story of the week: Rubicon Water Ltd (ASX: RWL)
Rubicon Water debuted on the ASX this week. This company has irrigation automation technology that aims to help with water scarcity and improve the supply of water to farmers. Founded in 1995 it has implemented its products and solutions in 17 countries ranging from India to Costa Rica. It had a pre-IPO offer of $1 and shot up by over 55% once the market opened on Thursday. This stock attracted a large volume of interest from ethical investors.
In the News – How to build a second income investing
If you don’t want to work forever, investing is something you need to get right. Smart investing will help you build a second income, grow your wealth, and create financial security for years to come. I download my top tips for News.com.au here.
Money Hack of the week: Ethical Investing: Direct shares vs managed funds
Do you prefer off-the-shelf ethical funds or a DIY portfolio? There are pros and cons for both, but luckily, there’s always an option to suit your values and investment management style. Kevin McDonald and I talked about the future of the industry, including the increase in the availability of ethical funds versus taking the time to develop a bespoke portfolio to suit your values. Check out our full chat here.
Money mistake of the week: Not taking control of your finances
The sooner you start, the longer you’ll receive the benefits of your work. Now that Maddie is on track with help from Pivot Wealth, we had a chat about her feelings towards her money now. She’s enjoying feeling more in control of her finances and understands what she needs to do to achieve her five-year goals. Check out our full chat here.
Jargon Buster of the Week: IPO (via Morgan Stanley)
Abbreviation for initial public offering, the inaugural issuance of stock or other securities by a company for sale to the public.
Podcast from last week: #131 w. Andrew Sloan – How to navigate the uncertainty
In this episode, I talked to Andrew Sloan, who’s a psychotherapist and a futurist. He does a lot of work on high-performance with teams and individuals. We spoke about some of the trends that he has seen in his space, the things that people can do to perform at their best, some of the tips and how to navigate the uncertainty that’s being created off the back of COVID with a lot of people questioning what’s really important to them and some of the process that he uses to guide people through in tackling those questions for themselves. Then we talk a bit about his money journey and some of the lessons that he learned along the way, it’s an interesting chat. I hope you enjoy it.
Andrew is a Psychotherapist, Coach & Trainer. He helps individuals and teams accelerate towards the future of their high performance. He is an expert in the complex human experience of uncertainty, chaos and change. Andrew supports individuals (just like you) and teams (just like yours) through challenging conversations about change by integrating the best parts of therapy, coaching and training. Together we build a plan to reflect, become present, unlock our uniqueness and align our actions towards high performance.
Smart Money upside #33
Because people don’t often talk about the full ins and outs of their money, it’s hard to learn lessons from hearing what good and bad choices other people make. This story from one of our clients to help you take your money game to the next level.
Individual, early 30’s; household income ~ 140k; total assets ~ 280k; savings ~ $2k annually
He felt that he doesn’t have a ‘plan’ and that his strategy to date has been fairly reactionary. He wants to follow a path that builds on what he has done so far and amplify that further
What they wanted from us / the advice process
Really reaching a solid passive income, and therefore realising a level of comfort he doesn’t currently have.
What success looks like for them
Passive income to replace wages and ensure he doesn’t have to work beyond early 40’s
What money strategy they were following before we went through the planning process
Offset build along with a small, regular investment in Raiz.
What money strategy they chose to pursue from our planning work
Buy a box that produces money – an Investment Property for $650K – $800K in the Sutherland Shire region, as well as a more robust equity plan.
Key benefits of going through the process
Guidance and strategies would ensure him that he could achieve those goals. I think before coming to Pivot, he didn’t have a real plan as to how he was going to press forward with some of these things.
Value of advice after all advice fees year one: $30,088
Year 20 upside after advice fees: $1,796,828
If this story resonates and you want to chat about how to get these sorts of results, you can book an intro call here.
Be awesome,
PS: If you want a hand to get on the front foot with your money in 2021, check out our 45-minute one-on-one sessions here. We’re donating 100% of the money raised to charity, so you can up your money game and do something good on the planet at the same time.
I know you’re smarter than someone that would need me to write the words that come next, but our compliance peeps are real hard-asses so here we go… This information is not personal advice, poetry, or a map to where Jimmy Hoffa is buried. It may only be regarded as general advice, and definitely shouldn’t be considered something worthy of inclusion for Donna Hay’s next cookbook or the Archibald prize. This is actually just an email communication that has been sent to a bunch of people and doesn’t even have your name on it. Your personal objectives, needs or financial situation have not been considered when preparing this email, but I want you to know that I have spent a lot of time thinking about the Venn diagram intersection of poetry, landscaping, and essential oils – if you’re fascinated by this same phenomenon please reply so we can compare notes. You should consider the appropriateness of any general advice we have given you, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs, and if necessary, seek advice before acting on it. You should also consider other people when getting on and off public transport, smiling more, eating healthy, and listening to your mum when she tells you that you’ve been working too hard. Where the information relates to a financial product, you should obtain and consider the relevant product disclosure statement before making any decision to purchase that financial product. Where the information relates to a hilarious joke I’ve made, you should consider belly laughing deeply. Worth noting also that past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance when it comes to investments, and definitely not when it comes to the Wallabies. Financial services guide. All jokes aside and just to be clear, this information may only be regarded as general advice. That is, your personal objectives, needs or financial situations were not considered when preparing it. You should consider the appropriateness of any general advice we have given you, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs, and if necessary, seek advice before acting on it. Where the information relates to a financial product, you should obtain and consider the relevant product disclosure statement before making any decision to purchase that financial product. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.