Financial advice means product pushing
At Pivot we know that hidden agendas and conflicts of interest reduce the confidence in your money strategy. That’s why we work with clients on a fixed fee basis, and don’t take sales commissions, kickbacks, or product based fees. This means we put you and your strategy at the centre of what we do, ultimately giving you more confidence in the advice you get.

Get Unstuck: Your guide to creating a life not limited by money
Download the first chapter of Ben’s Amazon best-selling book, Get Unstuck: Your guide to creating a life not limited by money.

Chat with us
We know we can’t be all things to all people, but are happy to chat about where you’re at and the best steps to move forward. If we think we can help, we can chat about how. If we can’t, we’ll point you in the right direction.

Smart Money Profile™️ free download
We know everyone’s situation is unique, but we’ve found that there are some common building blocks that help form the foundation for money success. In this profile we cover the key things you need to know to get these building blocks sorted.

Financial advice is only for people that already have a heap of money
Loads of people think you only need a financial adviser once you’re old and have a huge pile of money to work with. We help people get the most out of where they’re at right now so they can save more, invest more, and get ahead faster.
Frequently asked questions
Is Pivot linked to the banks?
No. Pivot is 100% privately owned by our team, and privately licensed. When Pivot was founded we didn’t want to have any of the big institutions dictating the sort of advice or solutions we use with our clients.
What does a typical Pivot client look like?
We work with a range of different clients, but most of our clients are in their 30’s and 40’s and have either strong incomes or a decent chunk of savings and/or investments to work with.
How do Pivot charge fees?
Pivot is a fixed fee business, and with every new product we don’t accept sales commissions, asset based fees, kickbacks, or product based fees. In very limited circumstances, if a client has a product with an existing commission and they want (or it makes sense) to keep this, we may accept this as payment from the product provider.
Does Pivot have an agenda with financial product providers?
No. We have the ability to use products from every provider in Australia (with strict quality controls of course). This means we can use the best solution for you.
Does Pivot only do financial advice?
At this stage we only do financial advice, financial planning, money coaching, and financial education. We don’t do tax returns, mortgages, or legal advice – but we do have an epic network of professionals we can introduce you to if you need help in these areas.
Can Pivot help with tax?
We don’t do tax returns, but we do consider tax as part of every single one of our clients broader financial strategies. When we help people invest, buy property, or save, we make sure they know how to do it tax effectively, and then we partner with taxation accountants to provide the formal tax advice.
What sort of investment strategies do you use at Pivot?
We stick to the basics and avoid any hyped-up get rich quick schemes or ‘sexy’ investments. We’ve found that cash savings, shares and managed funds, property, and super are the four most common investment strategies for a reason – they work! Normally the hard part isn’t what the options are, but instead what the right combination of options is to get you what you want. We broadly follow a passive investment approach when it comes to share type investments.